Terms & Conditions

The primary area of work for OffshoreSoftwareDevelopmentServices.com is to provide offshore software development services for all the sectors including IT, Pharma, Education etc.

OffshoreSoftwareDevelopmentServices.com undertake projects/work on a time and materials basis. All fees are estimated which are exclusive of GST or any other taxes as may be applicable, Estimates will be valid for 30 days from the date of issue.

Payment terms are based on weekly or monthly utilization of our resources(Developers).

The client is allocated dedicated resource(s) along with the staff such as a Team Leader Project Manager, Business Analyst, QA etc if requested or needed (based on the service commissioned).

The Resource(s)will operate from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. All the public/national holidays will be notified in advance and will be informed to the development team directly;

Note:- During holidays, additional work hours are typically allocated in the evenings, weekends, or according to the agreed-upon schedule with the client. This ensures that any time off taken during the holidays is compensated for by putting in extra hours during other times.